aflevering 151: Baked in Telluride – How to make dough in a tough economy
aflevering 152: The placement project – The story of why ‘where’ matters
aflevering 153: How do i invite you to grow food?
aflevering 154: Bicycling on three wheels. Transportation of the future?
aflevering 155: Peak oil – Adapting for big changes ahead
aflevering 156: High on permaculture in the rocky mountains
aflevering 157: The heart of permaculture
aflevering 158: A New paradigm for developement
aflevering 159: Reflecting on the End of the World As We Know It
aflevering 160: A Young Couple Find Freedom in Simple Living
aflevering 161: Local food – By and for the people
aflevering 162: Innovation Bears Fruit for Family Farm
aflevering 163: Economy, Ecology, Social Equity – Empowering Future Leaders
aflevering 164: The World of Ecovillages
aflevering 165: Finding Excitement Creating a Life-Sustaining Society
aflevering 166: The Crash Course – Exponential Growth Meets Reality
aflevering 167: Bag It! Packaging Bulk Food With Nitrogen
aflevering 168: Four Acres and Independence – A Self-Sufficient Farmstead
aflevering 169: The Sacred Demise of Industrial Civilization
aflevering 170: Preparing for Disasters and Hard Times